Shreyo Booyath Sakala Janaanaam
Brahmasri Chandramouli Narayanasastrigal studied Krishna Yejurvedam Kramantham from his father. Acquired skills of Smartha Prayogam from Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu and Veda Bhashya Pravesam from Srimatam at Kancheepuram.
Brahmasri Chandramouli Narayanasastriga
Sri Brahmasri Chandramouli Narayanasastrigal worked at the Srimatam, Shri Kanchi Kamokoti Peetham, Kancheepuram for 18 years under the guidance of Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi also called as Mahaperiyava. Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Kancheepuram was established by Sri. Adi Sankara and has the distinction of an unbroken line of 70 Acharyas (spiritual leaders). In 2002, he moved to the United States and had the privilege to work as Priest at Livermore Temple, California for 10 years.
With the blessings for Sri Mahaperiyava Sri Sri Chandrasekara Saraswathi; Sri Kanchi Kamakodi Peetathipathi Sri Jayandera Saraswathi, and Sri Vijayendra Saraswathi, he established Sri Kamakshi Community Center (SKCC), Santa Clara, California in 2015.
SKCC seeks to pursue the vision and blessings of Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyava (Peetathipathi of Kanchi Kamakodi Peedam) in maintaining and learning Hindu Vedic tradition and values. SKCC conducts regular sloka classes for Children and Adults. SKCC has the blessing and privilege of having Sri Kamakshi and Sri Sri Sri Maha Periyava Shrine. Sri Brahmasri Chandramouli Narayanasastrigal is currently serving as one of the priests in SKCC.
Phone: +1-925-961-9999